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Legacy HTTP

Deprecation Warning

This API is deprecated and customers are currently being migrated away from it. Consider Simple HTTP as an alternative.

For these APIs you need a set of credentials. These are different from the API Keys the REST API uses. You can find them in the dashboard under Settings.

Sending SMS Messages

This API is available at for the old gateway ( and for the new.

This API is deprecated and only supports sending limited SMS messages. Despite the name, you can submit both GET and POST requests to this API endpoint.

POST /sendsms

Should only be performed via HTTPS connections since it contains plaintext credentials.

Arguments can be sent as POST (form encoded) or as GET.

If you do not know the mobile network operator or (smsc) then you can set it to e.g. dk.unknown for Danish recipients, as long as your message is not charged.

Form Parameters:

  • user - credential username
  • password - credential password
  • to - One or more recipient MSISDNs to send a message to, e.g. 4512345678
  • smsc - An ISO 3166-1 country code followed by a period and an ID representing the operator
  • price - A numeric value with two decimals followed by an ISO 4217 currency code, e.g. 10.00EUR
  • text - An alphanumeric value representing the content of the SMS.
  • sessionid - Maximum length is 30 characters - and must always be unique. Recommended format is {msisdn}:{unix_time}
  • from - Optional alphanumeric sender. Maximum 11 characters
  • callbackurl - Optional URL for status callbacks
  • class - Class to use for message delivery. Defaults to A
  • charset - Charset of inputs, either utf-8 or iso-8859-1 (default). Only available at

Request Headers:

Status Codes:

  • 200 OK - with a plaintext body: Processing:{sessionid}, with sessionid replaced with the given sessionid
  • 400 Bad Request - if the request cannot be processed due to an exception. The body contains the exception message.

Example request:

POST /sendsms HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 139
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 36
Content-Type: text/plain


This API is available at both and The API is one of our first and has been deprecated since 2010. It remains operative, however.

This API is also available at

Originally, this API supported various other features such as: WapPush, Charged Messaging and MMS. These features are now defunct and thus left undocumented.

GET /Gateway/Kunder/Opret/Gateway.aspx

Should only be performed via HTTPS connections since it contains plaintext credentials.

Arguments can only be sent as GET Query Params.

Query Parameters:

  • username - credential username
  • password - credential password
  • number - The recipient mobile subscriber number, without country code but including any area code. e.g. 87654321
  • countryCode - The country code of the mobile subscriber, e.g. 45
  • message - The content of the SMS
  • gatewayclass - Class to use for message delivery, defaults to A
  • alphatext - Optional alphanumeric sender. Maximum 11 characters

Status Codes:

  • 200 OK - with a .NET hidden form or other nonsensical output
  • 200 OK - If the request, cannot be processed it will still return a 200 status code, but with an error message

Delivery Status Notification

Callbacks are used to respond to changes in the message delivery status, also known as Delivery Status Notifications or just DSNs.

By adding a URL to the callbackurl field, you can set up a webhook that will be called so you can keep track of whether the message was delivered successfully or not, and if not then why.

Code Description Cause
1 Delivered All okay. Message delivered, and charged if charge was requested.
2 Insufficient funds The recipient lacks the funds, e.g. prepaid, or cannot be charged.
3 Blacklisted The mobile subscriber is blacklisted by the operator, and cannot receive messages.
4 Unknown recipient The MSISDN is not recognized by the operator.
5 Unknown status Message is still enroute or an unknown error occurred.
6 Expired Message has expired according to the validity period.
7 Undeliverable Message could not be delivered, typically because of a content issue.
8 Deleted Message was deleted and not delivered

If you set a callbackurl when you sent the message, we will call your url with one of these status codes and the sessionid you provided when you sent the message. You can use this sessionid to track the message in your internal systems.

When calling your service, we will perform a GET request, e.g.

Beware that if you specify any query params in your callbackurl they will not be returned to you, only the sessionid and statuscode params will be included.

GET /example/callback

Query Parameters:

  • sessionid - The sessionid you provided when you sent the message. Optional.
  • statuscode - One of the status codes (integer) described above

Status Codes:

  • 200 OK - If you reply with exactly 200 (not 204 etc) we consider the DSN delivered successfully. Otherwise we re-attempt later.

Receiving SMS Messages

When we receive an MO SMS (mobile originated SMS), we will look at the first word in the SMS, known as the keyword. The SMS is then routed to the customer who has an active subscription for this keyword.

We then send a HTTP GET request to the URL configured for that keyword, e.g.

You must respond with a very specific body, otherwise we will treat your response as a failure and re-attempt delivery of the MO SMS. It is important that the content type is text/plain and your reply body is exactly cmd=asynch-no-trace. No extra whitespace or other output except headers is allowed.

GET /example/mosms

Example of what our request to you could look like. The path and hostname are configurable of course.

Query Parameters:

  • sender - The MSISDN of the end user who initiated the MO SMS (sent it)
  • smsc - The SMSC of the end user. This can be used later to send a charged SMS
  • sessionid - To enable you to track the message we provide an unique sessionid
  • appnr - Application number or shortcode, where the user sent the SMS
  • keyword - The keyword we matched
  • text - The body of the SMS, excluding the matched keyword. Optional

Response Headers:

Example request:

GET /example/mosms?sender=4512345678&smsc=unknown&sessionid=4512345678%3A9379401&appnr=1204&keyword=test HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*

Mandatory response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
