GatewayAPI Delivered an Uptime of 100% in 2020

One of our most important tasks is to make sure that our customers can always send SMS traffic reliably and quickly via GatewayAPI. Therefore, we are proud to announce that we had an uptime of 100% in 2020 on our SMS API! An absolutely perfect score without a single breakdown. Our goal is to repeat the success in 2021, and so far everything is still running like clockwork.
This naturally doesn’t happen without a lot of work. Our skilled team of developers has constantly been working on improving our API and implementing the latest technology. All while still ensuring that we offer great SMS prices around the world.
In the following sections we want to give you a quick overview of all the gears that make GatewayAPI tick.

We only use the best Mobile Network Operators
Our customers can use GatewayAPI to send messages in over 200 countries. We carefully scrutinise our different providers and carriers to make sure they are among the best, and perform to our standards. If a provider experiences a breakdown, or degraded performance, our system notifies us. We have several providers in each area, and can therefore easily make a failover switch to a backup provider when we receive a notification.
Our standard messages are assigned the quickest route possible with a maximum of two hops. With minimum delivery times, prioritisation, and the ability to anonymise data in GatewayAPI, our customer’s messages are not only delivered quickly but also securely.

GatewayAPI in the cloud
During 2019 we chose to put all our data in the cloud. We use Google Cloud Platform because it offers the best performance on networking and high reliability – this is naturally really important for us. Besides this, the cloud platform enables us to provide low prices since it is a cost-efficient way to operate GatewayAPI.
Another reason as to why we made these changes, is that we can handle traffic more efficiently. We use Kubernetes and Google Cloud Platform which are tailored to handle huge tasks, which ensures that our customers can send as many messages as they need. Using these technologies, we are able to automatically allocate more server space when 30% of max capacity is reached. Our customers will therefore never notice any delays, enabling them to send millions of SMS messages fast. That is what we call efficient messaging!
If you want to read more about our migration journey, please see the blost post Our Cloud (Native) Migration Journey.

Smooth updates
Last year, we made a huge update on our message router to improve the delivery of text messages even further. Thanks to extensive preparations, GatewayAPI kept running while we implemented numerous updates. To mention a few of them, we optimized the IT-architecture and replaced the in-house queue system with one based on RabbitMQ.
Read our blog post How We Rewrote a Central Component of GatewayAPI Without You Noticing about the message router 2.0, if you want a more thorough description of the updates.

Want to come on board?
To summarize: We are constantly improving both our efficiency and prices and thanks to our team, we intend to do it all again in 2021.
Want to get on board? Sign up here to get started in under 2 minutes or contact our support. They’ll be happy to assist you.