Learn how to rent virtual phone numbers,...
Learn how to rent virtual phone numbers, short codes, and keywords via GatewayAPI, which you can use for 2-way communication.
Learn how to rent virtual phone numbers, short codes, and keywords via GatewayAPI, which you can use for 2-way communication.
Virtual numbers and short codes combined with a keyword are usually used for 2-way communication. Think of it as your unique phone number that those who receive your SMS messages can use to reply to.
A virtual number, also referred to as a ‘dedicated number’, can be either a four-digit short code or a regular full length phone number. With a virtual full length number, your customers can reply to your SMS messages as if they were sent by a regular mobile phone.
A keyword is a specific set of chained characters that can be sent to a shared four-digit short code. The keyword routes the message that follows the keyword directly to you.
Keywords are used for two-way communication and enable your customers to donate, sign up, schedule appointments, opt-out etc. simply by sending an SMS with a keyword to either the dedicated short codes or your very own virtual number.
Having your own short code virtual number allows you to set up as many keywords you want without conflicting with existing keywords connected to the shared short codes that many other organisations also use.
Simply log in to your GatewayAPI account and… :
Step 2: Enter a query and order the keyword or virtual number by clicking “Add Number” or “Add Keyword”, respectively.
When it comes to sending message in the US or Canada, there are certain restrictions. For example, it’s not possible to use a custom Sender ID. Instead, an American or Canadian virtual number is required. Otherwise, the carriers in America and Canada will block your traffic.