How to use the labels feature

Our label feature helps you organize and...

Our label feature helps you organize and identify messages. The feature can be used for a number of purposes, such as invoicing and tracking SMS usage by individual customers or simply to gain statistics on your SMS use.

How to use labels

Add a label: When sending messages, you...

  • Add a label: When sending messages, you can add a label to each message, e.g. to identify the customer or company it belongs to. This label must be the same for all messages in a single request.
  • Track usage: You can view SMS traffic and usage data for each label in the statistics section of your GatewayAPI account. 
  • Traffic log: Labels can be seen in the traffic log, making it easier to monitor sent messages.
  • Usage overview: In the usage section, you can see how many messages have been sent with each label. This can help with billing and understanding customer-specific SMS usage.

Why use labels?

Invoicing: Easily identify SMS usage pe...

  • Invoicing: Easily identify SMS usage per customer to streamline invoicing.
  • Detailed statistics: Access your account’s usage for specific date ranges, subdivided by label and country.

If you do not use the label feature, all...

If you do not use the label feature, all messages will simply have a label of null. However, you can still track your overall SMS traffic.

For more information on how to use labels, visit our documentation where you can learn how to use the label statistics API.

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