GatewayAPI blog

Latest news, tips & tricks, customer cases, and in-depth technical posts

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Celebrating 25 Years of ONLINECITY.IO: Important Lessons in Digital Innovation

Celebrating 25 Years of ONLINECITY.IO: Important Lessons in Digital Innovation

ONLINECITY.IO, GatewayAPI’s parent company, was founded 25 years ago. Read more about its history as well as the guiding principles that have shaped the company since its inception.

Sender ID Registrations in Finland - Everything You Need to Know

Sender ID Registrations in Finland - Everything You Need to Know

Find out about how Sender ID registration works in Finland as well as the other Nordic countries.

GatewayAPI and KMD: A collaboration on COVID-19 test results via SMS

GatewayAPI and KMD: A collaboration on COVID-19 test results via SMS

SMS communication in particular proved to be of great importance and was used for a variety of purposes such as notifying close contacts.

Understanding the Differences Between a CPaaS and a UCaaS

Understanding the Differences Between a CPaaS and a UCaaS

Learn about the key differences between a CPaaS and a UCaaS platform and dive deeper into the future of business communication technologies.

Unlock New Avenues of Customer Communication with WhatsApp Business Messaging

Unlock New Avenues of Customer Communication with WhatsApp Business Messaging

In this blog post, we will touch upon the benefits of WhatsApp as we see it and discuss how integrating WhatsApp into our suite of communication channels will provide you as a customer with new powerful communication capabilities.

How to Implement SMS in Your Black Friday Marketing Strategy

How to Implement SMS in Your Black Friday Marketing Strategy

Black Friday is the Olympian of retail events. Learn strategies to maximize your profits on the big shopping day via SMS marketing.

Boost Your Business in 2023 With These Five SMS Marketing Trends

Boost Your Business in 2023 With These Five SMS Marketing Trends

SMS marketing is one of the most effective and reliable ways to reach customers. Learn about five effective trends.

SMS Appointment Reminders: The Secret Weapon to Beating No-Shows

SMS Appointment Reminders: The Secret Weapon to Beating No-Shows

Use SMS appointment reminders to reduce no-shows, improve satisfaction and save money – the return on investment is huge! 

Get Started With Slack-based SMS Support

Get Started With Slack-based SMS Support

Learn more about how you can combine Slack with SMS technology to enable frictionless SMS support via Slack.

Why SaaS Companies Should Consider Adding SMS Capabilities

Why SaaS Companies Should Consider Adding SMS Capabilities

Learn more about all the benefits of implementing SMS technology in your SaaS business. Acquire a new recurring source of revenue.

Our Social Responsibilities

Our Social Responsibilities

At ONLINECITY.IO, the parent company of GatewayAPI, we take our responsibility seriously and strive to make the world a better place both locally and globally.

Create Amazing SMS Campaigns via Our Sister Platform RelationCity

Create Amazing SMS Campaigns via Our Sister Platform RelationCity

Explore the latest features of our sister platform RelationCity, and read more about the brand new and intuitive tools that make planning and sending SMS campaigns a breeze.

Ultimate Guide to Choosing an SMS Gateway

Ultimate Guide to Choosing an SMS Gateway

In this guide you can get an overview of a number of parameters that are good to keep in mind from the beginning when selecting an SMS gateway.

The Danish Telecom Companies Have Announced Large Price Increases for SMS Traffic to Denmark

The Danish Telecom Companies Have Announced Large Price Increases for SMS Traffic to Denmark

Read about the background for the large price increase on SMS traffic to Denmark, which the Danish telecom companies will implement on July 1, 2021.

Boost Sales with SMS Marketing

Boost Sales with SMS Marketing

We have put together a complete list with tips and ideas on how to get even more sales via SMS marketing on shopping-celebrations such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Singles’ Day etc.

Easy SMS Automation with Integromat (Make)

Easy SMS Automation with Integromat (Make)

By combining GatewayAPI with Integromat (Make), you can set up SMS automation between hundreds of services with no coding experience whatsoever.

Creating a Smooth Customer Experience via SMS

Creating a Smooth Customer Experience via SMS

Customer case with the Danish company, Minuba. Learn how they have benefitted from integrating our SMS services into their CRM platform.

Digitalising the Legal Industry

Digitalising the Legal Industry

Customer case with the digital law firm, NEMADVOKAT. Read about how SMS messages drastically improved their interaction rates.

Complete Guide to Virtual Numbers and Keywords

Complete Guide to Virtual Numbers and Keywords

As the title says: You can learn everything you need to know about virtual numbers and keywords for A2P SMS communication in this blog post.

Standard vs. Premium Traffic – Which to Choose?

Standard vs. Premium Traffic – Which to Choose?

The GatewayAPI Standard Class is suitable for most, whereas the Premium Class suits those who seek additional functionalities such as encryption.

How To Set Up Email To/From SMS

How To Set Up Email To/From SMS

Learn how to set up email to SMS and SMS to email in this guide, and get inspiration on how to use this technology for different purposes.

GatewayAPI as an Alternative to Building an App

GatewayAPI as an Alternative to Building an App

Customer case with the company Realkreditkonsulenten, where the company explains how they use GatewayAPI’s SMS services as an alternative to building an app.

Roskilde: A Cash Free Festival

Roskilde: A Cash Free Festival

Customer case with the world-renowned Roskilde Festival. Read about how the festival used SMS-technology to supplement their Roskilde Festival debit card.

7 Ways SMS messages can Improve Customer Satisfaction

7 Ways SMS messages can Improve Customer Satisfaction

Read our tips for ways to improve your customer satisfaction by using different SMS services. Included with a list of do’s and don’ts.

Goodbye BETA, Hello World!

Goodbye BETA, Hello World!

Read about our journey from upstart, to BETA to fully-developed with customers all over the world, sending millions of SMS messages every month.

Pushing the Limits of Distribution of Vital Information

Pushing the Limits of Distribution of Vital Information

Customer case with Blue Idea, whose service specialises in the distribution of critical internal and external information in a wide range of organisations.